Day 5

Abs & Shoulders

Duration: 1h 35min

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deines heutigen Workouts.

Fertig ?
Hier gehts um nächsten Teil
deines heutigen Workouts.

Fertig ?
Hier gehts um nächsten Teil
deines heutigen Workouts.

Fertig ?
Hier gehts um nächsten Teil
deines heutigen Workouts.

Lateral Abs & Obliques (30min)

4 exercises with 3 sets and each with a superset and my standard pause time between 1:00min and 1:30min.

A superset workout is when you alternate sets of two exercises with no pause in between. Example for my first abs exercise with superset: First I do 12 Hanging Lateral Leg Raises High and 12 Hanging Lateral Leg Raises Low without any pause in between, followed by a pause between 1:00min and 1:30min. Than I do the second set with 10 Hanging Lateral Leg Raises High and 10 Hanging Lateral Leg Raises Low without any pause in between, followed by a pause between 1:00min and 1:30min. The third and last set for this exercise I do with 8 reps each.


Hanging Lateral Leg Raise High
Superset: Hanging Lateral Leg Raise Low
12/12 – 10/10 – 8/8 reps


Decline Lateral Weighted Crunch
Superset: Decline Lateral Crunch
12/12 – 10/10 – 8/8 reps


TRX Lateral Crunch
Superset: TRX Alternating Lateral Crunch with Push-up
12/12 – 10/10 – 8/8 reps


Cable Side Crunch
Superset: Lateral Speed Sit-up
12/12 – 10/10 – 8/8 reps


Warm-up (10min)

3 exercises with 2 sets each side and my standard pause time between 1:00min and 1:30min.

The rotator cuff is a group of four muscles whose tendons and ligaments form the tendon cap that encompasses the shoulder joint. The shoulder joint has the greatest range of motion of any joint in the human body. It is extremely stressed during the shoulders workout. The following three exercises will warm up the rotator cuff as well as preventively strengthen it, which can greatly minimize the risk of injury.


Cable Shoulder External Rotation
20 – 10 reps


Cable Shoulder Internal Rotation
20 – 10 reps


Cable Shoulder External Rotation High Elbow
20 – 10 reps


Power (50min)

3 exercises with 6 sets plus 1 exercise with 6 sets and 2 supersets and my standard pause time between 1:00min and 1:30min.


Dumbbell Lateral Raise
20 – 10 – 5 – 5 – 10 – 20 reps


Barbell Shoulder Press
20 – 10 – 5 – 5 – 10 – 20 reps


SZ Barbell Upright Row
20 – 10 – 5 – 5 – 10 – 20 reps

Alternative: Cable Front Raise
20 – 10 – 5 – 5 – 10 – 20 reps


Dumbbell Shrug / Dumbbell Shrug with Lateral Raise / Dumbbell Shrug
10/5/5 – 10/5/5 –10/5/5 –10/5/5 – 10/5/5 – 10/5/5 reps


Finisher (5min)

Alternating 3 sets of Lateral Raises with Twist and 3 sets of Front Raises with Twist with a pause time of 30 seconds.

The whole purpose is to push every set to the maximum of reps. Your goal at this must be to reach only two Lateral Raises with Twist less than in the Lateral Raises with Twist set before. Same with the Front Raises with Twist. Here are my numbers of reps for this finisher.


10 Lateral Raises with Twist
30sec Pause


10 Front Raises with Twist
30sec Pause


8 Lateral Raises with Twist
30sec Pause


8 Front Raises with Twist
30sec Pause


6 Lateral Raises with Twist
30sec Pause


6 Front Raises with Twist
30sec Pause

Let´s move on to
the next part of Day 5.